Conference Testimonials

  • “The ECIA executive conference held in Chicago provides an excellent forum for industry executives to learn about relevant topics within our industry, economic updates specific to our industry, as well as a chance to network & catch up with many industry colleagues. It is a must attend event for industry executives!” - Tom Wichert, Executive Vice President Sales & Marketing, TDK-Lambda Americas Inc.

  • “The ECIA Executive Conference is a great place for industry leaders to discuss the important issues that are at the forefront of everyone’s minds. Not only do you have access to industry experts with diverse perspectives, but there’s great opportunities for networking across suppliers, distributors and manufacturing representatives built into the agenda.”Dayna Badhorn, Regional President, Americas, Avnet

  • “I have always considered the ECIA Executive Conference an excellent source of high-quality insights on classic business practices alongside relevant, trending industry topics. Additionally, importantly, I value this focused time with my leadership team and the leadership teams of our suppler and rep partners.” -  Mike Morton, CEO, TTI Inc.

  • “The ECIA Executive Conference is the best combination of content and networking in a concentrated amount of time and in a single convenient venue available to our industry.” - Paula Renfrow, VP Marketing, TTI IP&E Americas

  • “The ECIA Executive Conference is a tremendous way to learn with high quality speaking sessions on different pertinent topics and to connect with key executives in the industry. It is a must go to event for our company!”Mike Swenson, CEO, Mel Foster Group

  • You learn something new every year at the conference. The motivational speakers geared toward executives make you think outside of your daily business. That is inspiring.” Mark Shiring, President & CEO, ebm-papst

  • "One of the best things about attending the ECIA Executive Conference as a rep is the ability to network with other executives from both our channel partners as well as our manufacturers. Congregating with this level of attendee is invaluable, because we are all in the same place spending time with each other, and hearing the same message, together. Reps do get to see our executive level manufacturers at times throughout the year, but we don’t always have as many opportunities to visit with the corporate level executives from distribution as a whole, and the ECIA Executive Conference affords us with just that opportunity. We also of course relish the chance to mingle with our other rep counterparts as well during this event! The content for the ECIA Executive Conference is developed with this executive level attendee list in mind…creating messages and conversations that are exactly what the executive management wants to discuss and learn more about, regardless of if you’re a rep, distributor, or manufacturer." - Tobi Cornell, President, Kruvand Associates